Morning Announcements 10/27

Tyler Roy, Story Writer

Good Morning Warriors,

Today is Thursday, October 27th, It’s an A day, and a great day to be a warrior!

Today’s Lunch:

Pizza, French Fries, Lettuce, Tomato, Fruit, & Milk Variety

Please remember to keep your phone and earpods in your backpack if we see them we will take them.

Remember to wear non-hooded sweaters and be in school uniform daily.

It’s been a while but high school 9-11 graders your end of the year trip is coming May 20, 2023. that’ll be held at universal studios and islands of adventure. Please see Ms. Bovastro for your permission slips.

Doral College Dual Enrollment Students, the accuplacer college entrance test will take place on tomorrow October 28th. See Ms. Mincey for more information.

The class of 2025 is having a Movie Day tomorrow Friday, Oct 28th for Elementary & Middle School. Please see Ms. Drolette if you would like to purchase a ticket & collect a permission form!

TV Production Meeting has been postponed until further notice.

Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st during homeroom.

Have a fantastic day Warriors!