In the Pixar animated movie Up Carl Fredricksen, as a little boy, has always been enamored with traveling and exploring the great Paradise Falls. One day he meets a young girl who shares the same passion. They grow up, get married, and live a wonderful life together. However over time, his wife passes away before they are able to visit Paradise Falls.
The movie really takes off when on one fateful day, Carl is asked to move out of his home, and refuses since that’s the home where he shared all of his memories with his wife. He sets out with a plan to attach thousands of balloons to his home and set out for Paradise Falls. As the home starts ascending, he gets a surprise. A young Boy Scout named Russell is on his porch. This is the start of their journey!
In my opinion, I think this movie is great to watch with family. This movie uses many beautiful colors that make each scene pop in its own way. There was also a sad moment that may really touch your heart. The movie has unique characters who work together to solve a problem even though they have differences. They bring out the best in each other during the course of their adventure. Overall, I highly recommend this movie if you’re looking for a sweet comedy animation to watch with children, parents, or even grandparents.