Bluey follows the adventures of a lovable and inexhaustible six-year-old Blue Heeler puppy who lives with her dad, mum and four-year-old little sister, Bingo. In every episode, Bluey uses her limitless Blue Heeler energy to play elaborate games that unfold in unpredictable and hilarious ways.
As an avid enjoyer of cartoons and an aspiring storyteller, I love shows that are made for children in mind and not specifically for children. Bluey is a show that all ages can divulge and take something from it. Each episode focuses on the main character, Bluey, but also in the world and those around her. The creator of the show did a good job portraying each character their respective ages, and even diving into the struggles of mature ideas in a kid-appropriate way.
For instance, in the episode, Onesie, the show touches on the topic of infertility and estranged relationships, in a way that the parents watching can understand the messages between the lines while showcasing an emotional moment between Bluey and her mum to the kids.
If you have the time on your hands, have a younger sibling or a child of your own, watch Bluey with them. It’s a fun show, don’t let the cute dogs blind you from the wonderful experience.